Customers that will see a change are those subscribed to one of our older packages typically called a "Simple Bundle". If you have a combination of Personal TV and High Speed internet 10mbps, 20mbps, BB50, BB100, BB250 or Gigabit Fibre internet you will see a $7.90 rate increase.
Package name:
Personal TV + High Speed 10
Personal TV + High Speed 20
Personal TV + BB50
Personal TV + BB100
Personal TV + BB100+
Personal TV + BB250
Personal TV + Gigabit Fibre
Price from March 2014*
New Customer Price**
* This is the new price after the increase of the Grandfathered Plans
** This is the current price we sell these services today to new customers
3 channels are also affected by $1.00 increase each.
Oasis $3.00 > $4.00
MH1 $5.00 > $6.00
SAB TV $5.00 > $6.00
Other channels or theme packs/groupings of channels are not affected. This also includes customers that may be paying grandfathered rates on some of our older channel bundles.
Customers will have a minimum of 30 day notification but in reality this is closer to 60 days. Vancouver and Manitoba customers are consumption based billing systems meaning they pay after use - their first billing notice will happen from Feb 8th, a second notification from March 8th and charges actually happen from April 8th with the new rates in affect.
Get ready to open your wallets up a bit wider yet again.