ok, so at my work we have standard Shaw Business 30 Internet, no smart wifi and no shawgo/shawopen
last time i tested we got a standard 35/5.5 wired and wireless for the most part, we have since added some "nest" cams so i decided to run some speed tests on some devices on the network to see how things are going
today i tested our main PC which is wired and wireless and while connected to both it seemed to give me about 40/5 (cipherkey vancouver server) which seemed odd
so i tested to another server in vancouver (telus) on my iphone which is on 5GHz vs the 2.4GHz on the UBNT Unifi AP AC Lite and right away i got 68/5 which i found suprising so i tested it again and got 65/5.5 followed by 68/5.5 again
i switched to the cypherkey server and tested and it went back to normal and gave me 35/5.5 but then on another test on the same server gave me 66/5.5
see results here
is anyone finding the same/similar?/ what are your findings?
PC wired/wireless 2.4GHz to cipherkey vancouver server
PC wired only to cipherkey vancouver server
iPhone 7+ 5GHz to cipherkey vancouver server
iPhone 7+ 5GHz to telus vancouver server